There are currently about 7,000 languages spoken worldwide, and at least half are projected to disappear in this century... The Endangered Language Fund
Our Grants
Language Legacies Grants
Native Voices Endowment Grants
How Can You Help?
You can help support projects all over the world by donating to ELF
Join the ELF Royalty Club
Publishing a book? Crown that achievement by donating your royalties to the ELF Royalty Club!
Grant Writing ManualWritten by Drs. Ofelia Zepeda & Susan Penfield,
a helpful guide for preparing grant proposals |
Noam Chomsky LectureOn November 15, 2006, Board member Noam Chomsky gave a lecture in New Haven, CT to benefit the Endangered Language Fund. You can listen to it here.

Our deepest gratitude goes to Jonathan Fox and the Myaamia Center for helping us create this website. Neewe!
Thanks also to Hannah King for her work developing it.
Technology support generously provided by the Myaamia Center at Miami University.
Thanks also to Hannah King for her work developing it.
Technology support generously provided by the Myaamia Center at Miami University.
Cover photo by Dr. Mite Lingi, from 2015 Language Legacies project, used with permission. Photo depicts yu acoka (Idu Mishmi for 'bamboo rice beer containers'), hanging on a post at a house where the Ren festival is taking place.